Episode 1

Published on:

10th May 2023

Driving Credit Union Collaboration and Innovation with Rick Weber (CBC Federal Credit Union)

For the launch of our podcast, we're kicking off our first episode with Rick Weber CEO of CBC Federal Credit Union. Rick is known for ruffling a few feathers and coloring outside the lines to drive growth and innovation at CBC. He also happens to be the founder of the CU Strategy Forum.


"Whenever you get these difficult times ... I can tell you this, a lot of times we bear down and work harder. The answers are not inside your building. The answers are usually outside.

The solution is not to work harder, but to reach out to somebody who might already be working on the solution that you're looking for, or testing out some of the ideas that your thinking.

I've always found networking is probably the best solution out there in Credit Union Land."


Paul Bresenden - https://www.linkedin.com/in/pbresenden/

Rick Weber - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rickwebercpa/

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About the Podcast

Credit Union Strategy Podcast
A podcast designed especially for Credit Union leaders.
Welcome to The CU Strategy Podcast, a podcast designed especially for Credit Union leaders. Our goal is to bring you the latest resources for your membership. Whether your credit union has ten thousand or ten million members, we think you’ll find our conversations valuable.

About your host

Profile picture for Paul Bresenden

Paul Bresenden